This book is compiled to meet the needs of students taking a course in
Modern English Lexicology which forms a pari of the cun`icula of Foreign Language Institutes, Teachers` Training Collages and Philological and Translation Departments of Universities. It is also intended for post graduates and all those who are interested in the English language and its vocabulary. The implication is that it is possible to show that the vocabulary of every particular language is a system constituted by interdependent elements related in certain specific ways. The present book makes no pretention to deal with the whole vast field of English Lexicology. In this book we have attempted as far as possible to present some theoretical materials which are to our opinion very urgent and important. We have used standard definitions and accepted terminology, though it was not always easy because there are various conventions and assumptions adopted in the existing literature. The book is based on course of lectures in English Lexicology delivered by the author for a number of years at Uzbek State World Languages University. This edition follows the theoretical concepts of the previous book «Practical Course in English Lexicology». In this edition much attention has been paid to the theoretical basis of lexicological problems and the latest achievements in Lexico)ogy made in our country and abroad. The subject matter cOlTesponds to the State Educational Standard and the programme on English Lexicology issued by the Ministry of Higher education of Uzbekistan. Lexicology is a science in the making its intense growth and makes the task of a text-book extremely difficult as many problems are still unsetlled and many achievements are the things of the future. The author will be grateful for all criticism. The author is especially grateful to the colleges ofthe Translation Institute in Brussels (Haute Ecole de Bruxelles) and European Commission Education Tempus program who made many helpful suggestion in the preparation of this book |