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avatar_rasm Alimardon Butaboyev Alimjonovich 16.04.2018-10:23:46

Muallif (lar): Pattern Based
Chiqarilgan yili: 2017
Resurs betlari soni: 59
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): pdf

Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to Teaching Writing
This guide focuses on teaching writing in grades 2-6 and what should be considered
remedial writing in grades 7-9. To add some perspective to this, the California Fifth
Grade Writing Strategies Standard 1.0 is, “Students write clear, coherent, and focused
essays.” In other words, fifth graders are supposed to be able to take a position and
defend it in a coherent and organized manner.
While it is true that some students meet this standard, it is also true that many don’t. I
have taught writing across quite a few grades and I have rarely come across a class in
any grade that did not need a firm re-teaching of correct paragraph form, along with how
to write natural introductions and conclusions.
In case you didn’t know, I have a writing curriculum called Pattern Based Writing: Quick
& Easy Essay. It’s a curriculum I developed almost by accident when little time was
available and the students’ writing was in a state of total chaos. It became extremely
clear that the techniques worked – because the students told me they worked. They
said, “I can’t even read what I was writing before!”
Please note that even with my writing program, teachers still need to bring something to
the table. Put simply, teachers have to read student writing and give feedback; and
unfortunately, there is no simple answer key for a piece of writing. In order to be
effective, writing teachers need a foundation to build upon, a framework to work within,
and a methodology that gets results. This guide will provide insights to all of these.
Ko'rildi: 95     Ko'chirildi: 156

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