Skillful gives you:
■ Skills for learning about a wide variety of topics from different angles and from different academic areas ■ Skills you need to succeed when reading and listening to these texts ■ Skills you need to succeed when writing for and speaking to different audiences ■ Skills for critically examining the issues presented by a speaker or a writer ■ Study skills for learning and remembering the English language and important information. To successfully use this book, use these strategies: ■ Come to class prepared to learn. This means that you should show up well-fed, well-rested, and prepared with the proper materials (paper, pen, textbook, completed homework, and so on). ■ Ask questions and interact. learning a language is not passive. You need to actively participate. Help your classmates, and let them help you. It is easier to learn a language with other people. ■ Practice! Do each exercise a few times, with different partners. Memorize and use new language. Lise the Skillful Digibook to develop the skills presented in the Student`s Book. Complete the additional activities on your computer outside of class to make even more progress. ■ Review your work. Look over the skills, grammar, and vocabulary from previous units. Study a little bit each day, not just before tests. ■ Be an independent learner, too. Look for opportunities to study and practice English outside of class, such as reading for pleasure and using the Internet in English. Find and then share information about the different unit topics with your classmates. Remember that learning skills, like learning a language, takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself, but do not forget to set goals. Check your progress and be proud of your success! |