Guliston davlat universiteti ichki ta'lim portali

avatar_rasm Oynisa Ibragimova Nasreddinovna 09.10.2024-14:55:34

Muallif (lar): Sharipov F.
Chiqarilgan yili: 2024
Resurs betlari soni: 48
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): pdf

The electronic manual provides information about the stages of development of modern Uzbek morphology, which is one of the main levels in the formation and development of Uzbek linguistics at the level of a modern science.

Bu resurs quyudagi fanlarga tegishli:
O`zbek tili talaffuzi va imlosi asoslari
Ko'rildi: 19     Ko'chirildi: 13

Diqqat, cheklanish!!!
Ma'lumotga fikr qoldirish faqat saytdan ro'yxatdan o'tgan foydalanuvchilar uchun ruxsat berilgan!!!
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun shu erni bosing.