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avatar_rasm Ra`no Suleymanova Do`sbekovna 01.08.2021-20:08:45

Muallif (lar): Suleymanova R
Chiqarilgan yili: 2021
Resurs betlari soni: 5
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): PDF

Choosing a coach is one of the most important issues in creating a friendly, cohesive sports team. When
solving this issue, the organizational skills of a friendly, cohesive sports team play an important
role.When solving this issue, the organizational skills of the trainer play an important role. A person who
does not possess them, even if he is a great expert in his field, cannot become a coach [1, 1968, p.369].
It is especially important that the coach, along with his special knowledge and abilities, is well
erudite in the issues of personality psychology and sports activity, has not only theoretical knowledge in
this important area for his profession, but also knows how to delve into the psychology of the athletes he
supervises, the entire sports team. The degree of effectiveness of the coachÕs leadership depends on the
ability to assess the characteristics of the mental states of each athlete during his interaction with a
partner and an opponent, the ability to timely and correctly eliminate the causes leading to failures or
conflicts [2, 1998, p.20].
The success of the collective activity of a sports team largely depends both on the nature of the
existing relationship between the coach and the team members, and on the style and form of his
leadership. A necessary condition for the effectiveness of sports activities, high team cohesion is a
democratic type of management and organization on the part of the coach. Authoritarian management of
a team, when the issues of choosing the strategy and tactics of team actions, organizational and
methodological polls are solved without taking into account the opinion of the team, not only does it not
ensure the cohesion of the sports team, but also leads to the worst sports performance. With all his
appearance, forms of treatment of athletes, the coach must support their confidence in their abilities and
the will to win. This important requirement presupposes that the coach has the ability to manage his own
emotional states in order to provide the proper psychological impact on the sports team. The structure of
pedagogical communication is divided into three stages:
communicative - information transfer;
the establishment of cooperation between athletes.Communication is supported by the objective
dependence of its participants, their interdependence;
perceptual perception of a person by a person.It is determined by the social standards in which the
student is brought up.In the trainings, the coach should not make claims to the athletes.It is necessary to
evaluate their activities, not personal qualities [3, 1985, p.31].
From the point of view of humanistic psychology, pedagogical communication is viewed as a
system of mutually active relationships between a coach and an athlete [4, 1983, p.40].
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