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avatar_rasm Kengash Jamuratov XXX 23.06.2021-14:16:32

Muallif (lar): Kengash jamuratov
Chiqarilgan yili: 2021
Resurs betlari soni: 7
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): doc

The problem of determining the level of groundwater near reservoirs, taking into account evaporation from the surface of groundwater, is reduced to a boundary value problem with an unknown boundary for a parabolic equation. The condition for the problem (motion) to be self-similar is established. A problem with an unknown boundary is distinguished and investigated, which differs from the well-known problems of Stefan, Verigin, Florin. The problem under consideration describes the filtration process near new canals and reservoirs, taking into account evaporation, which is a nonlinear finite function of time and groundwater level.

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Ko'rildi: 204     Ko'chirildi: 23

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