Guliston davlat universiteti ichki ta'lim portali

avatar_rasm Kamola SHirinboyeva Abdulla qizi 18.02.2021-13:29:32

Muallif (lar): Botirova Laziza
Chiqarilgan yili: 2020
Resurs betlari soni: 12
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): pdf

Nowadays, the search for saline soils and opportunities for their efficient use is one of the most pressing issues in
agriculture. One of the positive solutions to these problems is the selection of plant species and varieties with high
and high yield in saline soil conditions, the study of their salt resistance and improvement of cultivation
technology.This article provides information on salt tolerance and salt accumulation characteristics of members of
the Fabaceae and Asreraceae families, which were studied in order to select salt -tolerant, productive and promising
forage species and varieties from the local flora and introducers in saline soil conditions. As a re sult of our research,
the increase in galloaccumulative capacity of the studied plants is as follows: Guizotia abissinica officinalis < Vicia angistifolia< Medicago sativa (control)>salinity index Vicia angistifolia>Melilotus albus> Galega
officinalis>Onobrychis transcaucasica> Melilotus officinalis> Guizotia abissinica (Asreraceae family)> Crotallaria
alata was defined as descending for the first time. Among all the species studied on the basis of halloaccumulative
indicators of plants, it was noted that Vicia angistifolia is the most resistant species to saline soils .The results of the
obtained chemical analysis show that the use of Melilotus albus, Medicago sativa and Vicia angistifolia in
phytomelioration works is expedient, depending on the halo accumulative capacity of plants and the amount of
chloride ions in them. In addition, the selected forage plants have the ability to retain their salt-resistance properties
in other soil conditions, which indicates that their salt -resistance is a stable-genetic trait.

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