Guliston davlat universiteti ichki ta'lim portali

avatar_rasm Rustam Nematov Abduvaid o`g`li 17.04.2019-15:59:43

Muallif (lar): Ýðá¢òàåâà.¡.Ñ
Chiqarilgan yili: 2018
Resurs betlari soni: 754
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): pdf

Dr. Montgomery has research and teaching interests in engineering statistics including
statistical quality-control techniques, design of experiments, regression analysis and empirical
model building, and the application of operations research methodology to problems in manufacturing systems. He has authored and coauthored more than 190 technical papers in these
fields and is the author of twelve other books. Dr. Montgomery is a Fellow of the American
Society for Quality, a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, a Fellow of the Royal
Statistical Society, a Fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, an elected member of the
International Statistical Institute, and an elected Academican of the International Academy of
Quality. He is a Shewhart Medalist of the American Society for Quality, and he also has
received the Brumbaugh Award, the Lloyd S. Nelson Award, the William G. Hunter Award, and
two Shewell Awards from the ASQ. He is a recipient of the Ellis R. Ott Award. He is a former
editor of the Journal of Quality Technology,is one of the current chief editors of Quality and
Reliability Engineering International,and serves on the editorial boards of several journals.

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Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun shu erni bosing.