Guliston davlat universiteti ichki ta'lim portali

avatar_rasm Rustam Nematov Abduvaid o`g`li 15.04.2019-16:37:10

Muallif (lar): Peter L. Drewett
Chiqarilgan yili: 2001
Resurs betlari soni: 210
Resurs formati (doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf, rar): pdf

Having taught field archaeology for many years it is often difficult to remember the exact
source of a particular idea, method or technique. Clearly much is derived from digging in my
student days in the 1960s, particularly with Peter Fowler, Henry Cleere, Geoffrey Wainwright
and John Lewis. Since then I have gained much from working in the field with Luiz Oosterbeek
(Portugal), Siu Tsan Chiu (Hong Kong), Wu Zengde (People’s Republic of China), Brian Bates
(USA) and Sue Hamilton (UK), together with the hundreds of students I have worked with over
the years. If any recognize their thoughts, ideas or techniques not acknowledged elsewhere, please
accept this as a full acknowledgement.

Bu resurs quyudagi fanlarga tegishli:
Arxeologiya va etnologiya
Ko'rildi: 267     Ko'chirildi: 202

Diqqat, cheklanish!!!
Ma'lumotga fikr qoldirish faqat saytdan ro'yxatdan o'tgan foydalanuvchilar uchun ruxsat berilgan!!!
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun shu erni bosing.